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✓ Record your conversation history with TAX AI
✓ Store and access separate conversations from different devices
✓ Higher amount of free queries

Please note that the TAX AI platform is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal or tax advice. For specific advice tailored to your individual circumstances, TAX AI can introduce you to a certified tax expert.

Tax Queries? TAX AI Is Here To Answer

If you’re an expat or a retiree, is the go-to resource for taxes in Albania. We mix AI-driven advice with expert knowledge for everyone considering moving to Albania or starting a business.

Curated by specialised accountants, we’re here for your every tax query.

Why We Designed TAX AI

Navigating the world of taxation can be complex and time-consuming. At Expatax, we built TAX AI to assist expatriates and retirees and simplify tax for them. Our platform offers instant access to reliable tax information and connects you to certified tax experts for personalised advice.

Accessible Anytime, Anywhere

Our AI-powered platform is available 24/7, providing immediate answers to your tax-related questions. Whether it’s the middle of the night or a public holiday, TAX AI is here to assist you.